About Me.

I'm a software developer that loves building products and web applications that impact millions of lives.


For any sort help / enquiry, send a mail and I'll get back.

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Experienced professional with great track record in developing innovative web solutions and consulting with clients, writing code, designing applications, testing software, solving technical problems, and adapting applications to new requirements. Demonstrated programming skills, creativity, customer service orientation, attention to details and time management skills in the span of approximately 3 years and 6 months of career.

I've been coding in C, C++, C#, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Kotlin programming language, etc to name a few.

For frontend, I have worked with ReactJS, NextJS(a ReactJS framework for server-side rendering), ElectronJS(for desktop app development), React-native(for mobile cross-platform application development), Kotlin(for android app development), HTML, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Material UI, Story Book, ChartJS, etc...

For backend, I have worked with Nodejs, Wordpress, ExpressJS, JsonWebToken, Mysql, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, GraphQL, Bcrypt, Swagger, etc... Moreover, I have worked with ORMs like Sequelize, TypeORM, Mongoose, etc.

For automation testing, I have done end-to-end testing on 3 projects using Cypress.

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